Fall Semester 2021 CSE2006 MicroProcessor and Interfacing
Team 21
Siddharth Suresh 20BPS1042 Penta Revanth 20BPS1161
Web Socket driven Server implemented using Socket.io and Express.js to handle the synchronisation of data between the ESP8266 MicroController and the Web Interface.
Interacting with the Temperature and Humidity Sersor DHT11 using Arduino Libraries in the ESP8266 Microcontroller
Enabled Voice Interativity Using Speech Recognision Models To Respond Commands Like to Start & Stop the Fan Increase and Decrease the Speed of the Fan
Created two modes of operation for the Fan,
Auto is controlled by the current temperature and humidty reading from the DHT11 sensor and the other,
Manual is controlled by the user's input from the web interface
By Controlling the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)of the L298N Motor Driver, the ESP8266 Microcontroller can control the speed of the DC Motor and in turn the Fan
Using The Pinout Diagrams of the ESP8266 Microcontroller ,the DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor & the L298N Motor Driven To Connect the Circuit That Controls The 5V DC Motor. Drawing the Virtual Circuit Connection using Fritzing Software.
Final Circuit Connectivity Diagram Between the ESP8266 Microcontroller, DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor and L298N Motor Driver
Pin Diagram of DHT11 Sensor
Pin Diagram of ESP8266 MicroController
Pin Diagram of L298N Motor Driver